Vaka Taumako Project (VTP) of
Pacific Traditions Society (PTS) of USA
working with the
Holau Vaka Taumako Association (HVTA) of Solomon Islands
For Voyaging Education
Pacific Traditions Society (PTS) is a small non-profit organization with educational purpose, based in the USA. The Vaka Taumako Project (VTP) was the idea of Te Aliki Koloso Kaveia of Taumako. He needed outside help, so he asked Mimi George. In 1996 the VTP started, as a research project permitted by the Ministry of Education and Human Resources of Solomon Islands. PTS was the responsible non-governmental organization (NGO), and Mimi George was Principal Investigator. The VTP was led by Koloso Kaveia, with support of PTS.
After Te Aliki Kaveia died in 2009, Te Aliki Jonas Holani led the Vaka Valo Group of Taumako to keep on training young people in voyaging arts, supported by the VTP of PTS. In 2021 Luke Vaikawi and about 98% of Taumako community registered the Holau Vaka Taumako Association Trustees, Inc, (HVTA) as a charitable organization in Solomon Islands with Luke Vaikawi as Executive Director. The HVTA charter includes the original mission and goals of VTP, but is a completely independent NGO. In 2017 the VTP of PTS ended in Solomon Islands, but continues to exist as a 501c3 of USA, and continues to assist educational voyaging programs of HVTA as the VTP of PTS.
Help Holau Vaka Taumako Association efforts to:
Train new generations to build, sail, and navigate
using ancestral designs, methods, materials & tools
Document and publish ancient knowledge
Become a self-supporting organisation by 09/22

Build, sail, and navigate voyaging canoes using ancient designs, methods, and materials.
Accommodate Lata Cultural Voyaging School (LCVS) of Taumako in a canoe-house structure (Halevaka) that shelters vessels, students, communications, video work, and archive. A small solar power system has been donated and satdish WIFI and data plan are needed.
Complete digitizing all imagery and written materials VTP has gathered, and provide to the archive of the LCVS of Taumako as soon as safe storage is in place.
Document and publish information about voyaging knowledge, including books, videos, multi-media products and displays.
Make cultural exchange programs and alliances that promote awareness of, and support for, ancient voyaging skills, including skills of building peaceful relationships and making reconciliations when problems arise.
Protect intellectual property rights and intangible heritage of Taumako people. All photos, video, film, audio recordings, technological designs, and artwork, are intellectual property of Taumako people as agreed in original VTP permit and various MOUs.
Direct any and all financial profits to Holau Vaka Taumako Association, and help HVTA fundraise in 2022.
Plan and act sustainably with care for environment, food security, and bio- diversity.
Re-establish inter-island voyaging partnerships and ancestral voyaging networks within SE Solomons, No. Vanuatu, and throughout Oceania.
Help Holau Vaka Taumako Association (HVTA) become self-supporting. Needs include: basic communications and internet access at Taumako, record-keeping, book-keeping, and accounting, fundraising, grant-writing, program planning, social media, and coordinating students and visitors to attend LCVS.
Complete design and registration of independent website for HVTA in October, 2021, and donate to VVA for independent control and content development. Fundraising for $25/month server cost plus internet data.
Complete construction of a hybrid proa (the 38Ê» x 20Ê» all-seasons vessel S.V. Lata), do sea trials, and delivery voyage from Hawaii to Taumako in 2022.
Continue artist Kyle MacDonaldʻs research program "Te Lapa: Polynesian Navigation Illuminated". Use of experimental cameras to video Te Lapa (interrupted by COVID) will continue in Solomon Islands and Fiji as soon as practical.